The Forensic Crime Scene: A Visual Guide, Second Edition presents knowledgeable chapters on crime scene investigation, the various types of documentation, scene reconstruction, and the value of evidence and proper evidence collection. Additionally, a companion site hosts video and additional instructional materials. The primary goal of this book is to provide visual instruction on the correct way to process a forensic crime scene. By using photographs and video clips to show proper vs. improper procedures, the reader will be able to identify the correct principles required to process a scene. Provides coverage of techniques, documentation and reconstruction of crime scenes Shows side-by-side comparisons of the correct vs. incorrect process Online website hosts videos and additional instructional materials
NEW YORK TIMES BESTSELLER • A former star athlete turned deputy coroner is drawn into a brutal, complicated murder in this psychological thriller from a father-son writing team that delivers “brilliant, page-turning fiction” (Stephen ...
Part of the Howdunit Series, Scene of the Crime is written by a professional in the field. It provides the inside details that writers need to weave a credible -...
"Forensic Science: From the Crime Scene to the Crime Lab," 3/e, is designed to present forensic science in a straightforward and student-friendly format.
"An Introduction to Crime Scene Investigation" serves to eliminate warped impressions influenced by the media, and clearly identifies and explains the crime scene investigative process, components, methods, and procedures.
Using this book in your investigations will help you find out what happened and who is responsible.
This manual is intended to accompany any crime scene investigation textbook.
In this edition, two current students of hers, Julia Underwood and Kimberly Sid Weber, assisted her with images related to ... These were D. Schweizer, B. Reilly, L. Yockel, Dale Rio for many images, V. Hart, K. Mentore, M. Simms, ...
Shows how the latest methods of scientific detection are used to uncover the truth about a crime scene, and to reveal how crimes were committed, explaining the techniques and equipment used by forensic investigators.
This handy pocket guide is an essential field guide to crime scene photography.
Although she was a smoker (who invariably smoked a particular brand), she always smoked on her balcony and never in the apartment. Investigators found two cigarettes (of a different brand) floating in urine in the toilet bowl; ...