Safety Theory and Technology of High-Speed Train Operation puts forward solutions for train dispatching and signal control. Frequent railway incidents have threatened the safety of rail transport. In 2013, more than 12 trains collided. In the same year, a Spanish train derailed due to speed, and two of China’s high-speed trains collided. In 2016, Germany and Italy both experienced serious train collisions. Global railway security is essential. Many accidents are caused by train dispatching errors and signal system failure. Chinese high-speed railway has developed very quickly and at a very large scale. However, many issues reagrding safety has not been addressed. This book considers the issue from the perspective of a system. A train operation control system structure is put forward in order to ensure safety. Five key technologies (namely system-level fail-safe, parallel monitoring, completeness of train control data, data sharing and fusion and prevention of common errors in monitoring), are proposed. In order to prevent collision, over-speed, derailment, and rear-end collision accidents, the concept and corresponding parallel monitoring technology of five core control items (train route, speed, tracking interval, temporary speed limit, train running state) is proposed. Puts forward solutions for train dispatching and signal control Views high-speed train safety and technology from a systems-theory perspective Describes five key technologies to ensure safety Proposes five parallel monitoring technologies to prevent collision, over-speed, derailment and rear-end collision incidents Considers the very quick and large-scale development of Chinese high-speed rail
[2] J. Wang, Safety Theory and Control Technology of High-speed Train Operation, Academic Press, 2017. [3] K. Ebeling, High-speed railways in Germany, Jpn. Railw. Transp. Rev 40 (2005) 36À45. [4] S. Dhahbi, A. Abbas-Turki, S. Hayat, ...
Wang, J. (2018): Chapter 9: Train operation control and intelligent dispatching. In Safety Theory and Control Technology of High-Speed Train Operation, pp. 267-294.
... “operation and intelligent control of high-speed railroad train”, “intelligent directions of high-speed railroad ... network technology tentative design for safety of monitor control information and research of administrative center ...
[169] theoretically researched the aerodynamics as a high-speed train operates on an embankment under environmental wind conditions. Using an ICE3 high-speed train model, Diedrichs et al. [170, 171] studied the aerodynamics of a train ...
Simulation of interaction between a train in general motion and a track. Vehicle System Dynamics, 38(6), 433–455. doi:10.1076/vesd.38.6.433. 8345. ... System Dynamics and Long-term Behaviour of Railway Vehicles, Track and Subgrade, 6, ...
This book focuses on selected research problems of contemporary railways. The first chapter is devoted to the prediction of railways development in the nearest future.
Over the past decade, China has built 25,000 km of dedicated highspeed railway—more than the rest of the world combined.
Energy-Efficient Operation Curve Optimization for High-Speed Train Based on GSO Algorithm Wei Li1, Sizhe Zhao1( B ) ... The continuous development of computer control technology and intelligent control theory has provided new ideas and ...
The studies in this handbook discuss transport infrastructure projects of varying geographic scale and describe the underlying complexities of developing an infrastructure system while focusing on the aspects that can enhance quality of ...
1 InTRODuCTIOn 2 RELIABILITY AnALYSIS THEORY With the implementation of high-technology in railway system, especially the development of high speed trains, ... So, the train control system must ensure the safety of train operation.