The finding that working memory training can increase fluid intelligence triggered a great number of cognitive training studies, the results of which have been fiercely debated among experts. The finding also prompted a surge of commercial versions of these working memory training programs. Increasing Intelligence overviews contemporary approaches and techniques designed to increase general cognitive ability in healthy individuals. The book covers behavioral training and different electrical stimulation methods such as TMS, tDCS, tACS, and tRNS, along with alternative approaches ranging from neurofeedback to cognitive-enhancing drugs. It describes crucial brain features that underlie intelligent behavior and discusses theoretical and technical shortcomings of the reported studies, then goes on to suggest avenues for future research and inquiry. Summarizes the history of attempts to raise intelligence Describes the intelligence construct and the cognitive mechanisms thought to be at the core of intellectual functioning Provides an overview of the neurobiological underpinnings of intelligence Discusses the efficacy and limitations of behavioral training approaches and brain stimulation methods aiming to increase performance on working memory and intelligence tests Examines the effects of neurofeedback, exercise, meditation, nutrition, and drugs on cognitive enhancement
Emotional Intelligence is the indispensable guide to transforming your organisation’s culture or your own ability to engage with and understand other people.
This book explains how improvements in intelligence analysis can bene!t policing.
Best of all , Language Wise is quick . With all the focus on quality time , we're happy to report that it's also fun . Many parents have learned the value of spending time talking with their children , rather than watching yet another ...
Gender Intelligence features 17 illustrations. World-renowned experts on Gender Intelligence argue that it is time to move beyond politics and fairness to build an economic business case for gender diversity in the workplace.
All of those facets are discussed in this book, along with the clinical research to support the premises presented. If you want to increase your intelligence quotient today with sound, scientifically-proven methods, this book is for you.
There is no publication other than this book that explains you practical methodology by explaining different scenarios with multiple tips and best practices of implementing e-marketing intelligence.
This book provides a captivating look at the things that matter most in life. Succeeding in Hollywood is as tough as any business, and emotional intelligence skills are essential. I highly recommend this book.
"The Einstein Factor liberates mental abilities you didn’t know you had. I tried the techniques in the book and they paid off instantly. It’s almost scary." —Duncan Maxwell Anderson, senior editor, Success.
Cultural Intelligence is an essential, foundational resource for anyone who desires to effectively interact across cultures. Read this book!
But even better, we also now know that intelligence can be acquired and developed. You can actually make yourself smart! And that's what this book is specifically designed to help you do.