Food Crop Production by Smallholder Farmers in Southern Africa: Challenges and Opportunities for Improvement evaluates traditional cultivation practices used by smallholder farmers, providing a synthesis of the latest information on increasing crop yield through adoption of research innovations. The book catalogs smallholder cultivation practices and recommends innovative strategies for improving the agriculture sector including: management practices that reduce net carbon emissions; technologies that improve soil structures and conserve the natural resources base; means of empowering female resources along value chains; and government commitment to adopt policies that enhance agriculture productivity by encouraging farmers to use environmentally sound cultivation technologies. Traditional farming techniques often produce negative impacts on the environment and ecosystem resulting in outbreaks of diseases and pests. In addition to the region’s recurrent droughts, these outbreaks of numerous diseases and pests, weeds and other invasive plants put thousands at risk of poverty and hunger, as well as malnutrition. This book presents enhanced agricultural production technologies for ensuring adequate food production, safety and nutritional quality for the population of Southern Africa and forms the basis for an increased SADC regional effort in food production through which financial and trade institutions can improve stakeholder capacities, encourage micro-enterprise development and enhance employment and regional trade. Provides a critical synthesis of data and information for increasing crop yield through adoption of research innovations Evaluates traditional and scientific interventions that address food security issues of the poor farmers in the region Presents agro-ecologies of countries in the region and how they relate to various cultivation practices Catalogs smallholder cultivation practices and recommends innovative strategies for improving the agriculture sector
Houeninvo GH, Célestin Quenum CV, Nonvide GMA (2020) Impact of improved maize variety adoption on smallholder farmers' ... Alwang J (eds) Crop improvement, adoption and impact of improved varieties in food crops in sub-Saharan Africa.
This book provides a synthesis of the key issues and challenges facing agriculture and food production in Southern Africa.
Food Policy and Agriculture in Southern Africa
27 H. Alderman and G. Shively, “Economic Reform and Food Prices: Evidence from Markets in Ghana,” World Development 24 (1996): 521–534. 28. Jayne and Jones, “Food Marketing and Pricing Policy in Eastern and Southern Africa.” 29.
Achieving Food Security in Southern Africa: New Challenges, New Opportunities
International Food Policy Research Institute • • • • • • THE JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY PRESS Baltimore and London • • • (.'HI
This book assembles a collection of research papers based on studies completed in 2008 and 2009 in Southern Africa that examine various dimensions of the institutional constraints small farmers are facing in the region and how they are ...
Taken together, these essays underscore the role of factor market frictions and other imperfections in limiting input use among smallholders in Sub-Saharan Africa.
This 32-chapter volume represents the core of several oral and poster presentations made at the conference.
These papers address roles and issues related to social and institutional innovations and approaches in food security in Southern and Eastern Africa.