Focusing from the perspective of the user, Urban Mobility Design investigates how designed mobility and design processes can respond to and drive the emerging social and technological disruptions in the passenger transport sector. Profound technological advances are changing the mobility expectations of city populations around the world. Transportation design is an under represented research area of urban transportation planning. Urban Mobility Design addresses this gap, providing research-based analysis on current and future needs of urban transportation passengers. The book examines mobility from a uniquely multidisciplinary perspective, involving a variety of innovative design and transportation planning approaches. Examines urban mobility from a new perspective Coherently combines current research and practice in transport design, technology, mobility, user behaviour experience, and cultural analysis Utilizes hands-on experiences with transportation manufacturers, transit operators and engineers to bring a practical view on today’s mobility challenges Shows how design approaches to problem solving can influence travel behaviour and improve passenger experience
Planning and Design for Sustainable Urban Mobility
The solution prescribed in most of these has been to build more infrastructures for cars, with a limited number of cities ... he identified sustainable transportation as one of the major building blocks of sustainable development.
This new report of the United Nations Human Settlements Programme (UN-Habitat), the world's leading authority on urban issues, provides some thought-provoking insights and policy recommendations on how to plan and design sustainable urban ...
New Concepts for Urban Mobility
The book presents a detailed case for the transformation of mobility.
This book provides insights and discusses human-centered urban design and placemaking, human activities and urban mobility in China.
Urban transport systems worldwide are faced by a multitude of challenges. Among the most visible of these are the traffic gridlocks experienced on city roads and highways all over the world.
The book closes with a reflection on the opportunities and challenges in moving beyond mobility, with attention to emerging technologies such as self-driving cars and ride-hailing services and social equity topics such as accessibility, ...
Unlike older, more conservative engineering manuals, this design guide emphasizes the core principle that urban streets are public places and have a larger role to play in communities than solely being conduits for traffic.
The Guide offers updated graphic profiles for all of its bicycle facilities, a subsection on bicycle boulevard planning and design, and a survey of materials used for green color in bikeways.