Space Science and Public Engagement: 21st Century Perspectives and Opportunities critically examines the many dimensions of public engagement with space science by exploring case studies that show a spectrum of public engagement formats, ranging from the space science community's efforts to communicate developments to the public, to citizenry attempting to engage with space science issues. It addresses why public engagement is important to space science experts, what approaches they take, how public engagement varies locally, nationally and internationally, and what roles "non-experts" have played in shaping space science. Space scientists, outreach specialists in various scientific disciplines, policymakers and citizens interested in space science will find great insights in this book that will help inform their future engagement strategies. Critically examines how expert organizations and the space science community have sought to bring space science to the public Examines how the public has responded, and in some cases self-organized, to opportunities to contribute to space science Outlines future engagement interests and possibilities
Scientists often need to include "broader impacts" goals in grant proposals, but they might not know where to begin or feel that they do not have the time to devote to public engagement. This is where libraries and librarians can help.
Catching Stardust tells the story of these enigmatic celestial objects, revealing how scientists are using them to help understand a crucial time in our history – the birth of the Solar System, and everything contained within it.
Summary of a Workshop Space Studies Board, Board on Physics and Astronomy, Division on Engineering and Physical Sciences, National Research Council. Public Engagement The panelists were then asked by an audience member whether the ...
This book describes a fresh approach to climate change communication: five core principles for public engagement that can propel climate change discourse out of the margins and into the mainstream.
See-through Science: Why Public Engagement Needs to Move Upstream
Activities in astronomy public engagement work often celebrate particular events like the 50th anniversary of human space flight this year ( Gagarin 50 ) or the 400th anniversary of Galileo's use of the telescope in IYA 2009.
Drawing on social science conversations at a lively café in Bristol, this highly original book explores the value of public engagement in a wider social science context.
Science, Politics and the New Space Race Melissa Mean, James Wilsdon ... exploration can also act as a distraction from the more immediate challenge of strengthening public engagement in space through more open models of space science, ...
Explains the functions of cells in the human body.
Among other things “The News, Events, and Publications” tab lists current events that are open to the public related to astronomy and other branches of science. The “Public Engagement” tab is very well done and provides a wealth of ...