Threat and Violence Interventions: The Effective Application of Influence evaluates threat and violence risk for various levels of mental health practitioners, law enforcement officers, security professionals, human resource professionals, attorneys, and academics in forensic psychology, sociology, criminology and law. Currently, both empirical and practical literature has focused, to an almost exclusive extent, on the assessment of human behavior and propensity for violence. However, most cases of high concern for potential physical violence arise from individuals who have yet to act in ways the criminal justice system can address. This book broaches the topic, exploring tactics and providing practical, concrete suggestions. Focuses on how to influence specific outcomes relating to high risk behaviors Analyzes the biological, psychological, sociological, contextual and environmental information learned from risk assessment Concentrates on a specific area of analysis and/or techniques
Retrieved from Fein, R., Vossekuil, B., Pollack, W., Borum, R., Modzeleski, W., & Reddy, ... Gorman, E., Harmon, C., Mendolia, S., Staneva, A., & Walker, I. (2019).
A manual for school threat assessment as a violence prevention strategy. This book is a sequel to Guidelines for Responding to Student Threats of Violence.
In A. Raine, P.A. Brennan, D.P. Farrington and S.A. Mednick (Eds.), Biosocial Bases of Violence (pp. 69–88). ... Manton, M. and Talbot, A. (1990) Crisis intervention after an armed hold-up: Guidelines for counselors.
Key features of the book: • Uses the volcano metaphor to provide a simple and unique way to help readers under stand and remember how violence builds. • Provides a broader approach than other books toward recognizing and dealing with ...
Issues in Threat Management Christina M. Holbrook, David E. Bixler, Eugene A. Rugala, Carri Casteel ... Kohn Nast & Graf, P.C., the court ruled that an employee has a reasonable expectation of privacy regarding mail marked personal that ...
New to the Second Edition: Previous chapters updated New case histories Advice on how to obtain additional behavioral information in victim and witness interviews An examination of ethical problems caused by unqualified assessors A chapter ...
Preventing Workplace Violence: A Training Guide for Managers and Supervisors is a video presentation.
Personal Security: Keeping Yourself and Your Family Safe is a video presentation.
By examining averted school rampage incidents, this work addresses problematic gaps in school violence scholarship and advances existing knowledge about mass murder, violence prevention, bystander intervention, threat assessment, and ...
This book will serve as the standard reference volume in the field of threat assessment and will be invaluable to mental health and criminal justice professionals who practice threat assessment or are interested in understanding this new ...