Applied Statistics for Environmental Science with R presents the theory and application of statistical techniques in environmental science and aids researchers in choosing the appropriate statistical technique for analyzing their data. Focusing on the use of univariate and multivariate statistical methods, this book acts as a step-by-step resource to facilitate understanding in the use of R statistical software for interpreting data in the field of environmental science. Researchers utilizing statistical analysis in environmental science and engineering will find this book to be essential in solving their day-to-day research problems. Includes step-by-step tutorials to aid in understanding the process and implementation of unique data Presents statistical theory in a simple way without complex mathematical proofs Shows how to analyze data using R software and provides R scripts for all examples and figures
The second edition also includes a complete critique of a threshold model. Environmental and Ecological Statistics with R, Second Edition focuses on statistical modeling and data analysis for environmental and ecological problems.
IN PRESS! This book is being published according to the “Just Published” model, with more chapters to be published online as they are completed.
This is a book written in colloquial language, avoiding mathematical formulae as much as possible, trying to explain statistical methods using examples and graphics instead.
This book uses the statistical language R, which is the choice of ecologists worldwide and is rapidly becoming the 'go-to' stats program throughout the life-sciences.
An accompanying Wiki website, includes all the scripts and data used in the book. The website also features a solutions manual, providing answers to all of the exercises presented in the book.
In the past, however, the techniques used by scientists to interpret this data have not progressed as quickly. This is a book of modern statistical methods for analysis of practical problems in water quality and water resources.
Bivand, R.S., Pebesma, E.J. and Gomez-Rubio, V. (2008) Applied Spatial Data Analysis with R, New York: Springer. Cloke, P.J., Cook, I., ... Turner, A. (2006) Introduction to Neogeography, Sebastopol, CA: O'Reilly. Wang, W.W. and Fan, ...
The book focuses on gaining insights from data via visualisations and summaries.
Lot of additional material is available at The book is aimed at students and researchers in forestry and environmental studies, but it will also be of interest to statisticians and researchers in other fields as well.
Straightforward, clear, and applied, this book will give you the theoretical and practical basis you need to apply data analysis techniques to real data.