Fruit Crops: Diagnosis and Management of Nutrient Constraints is the first and only resource to holistically relate fruits as a nutritional source for human health to the state-of-the-art methodologies currently used to diagnose and manage nutritional constraints placed on those fruits. This book explores a variety of advanced management techniques, including open field hydroponic, fertigation/bio-fertigation, the use of nano-fertilizers, sensors-based nutrient management, climate- smart integrated soil fertility management, inoculation with microbial consortium, and endophytes backed up by ecophysiology of fruit crops. These intricate issues are effectively presented, including real-world applications and future insights. Presents the latest research, including issues with commercial application Details comprehensive insights into the diagnosis and management of nutrient constraints Includes contributions by world renowned researchers, providing global perspectives and experience
Other species of Polydrusus associated with fruit crops in Europe include P. inustus Germar, P. marginatus Stephens, P. mollis (Ström) and P. pterygomalis Boheman. 343 A green leaf weevil (Polydrusus formosus).
This edited book provides a comprehensive overview of modern strategies in fruit crop breeding in the era of climate change and global warming.
This one text provides an extensive, easily understandable overview of the processes for growing healthy fruit in today’s world for beginners and is a valuable desk reference for plant science professionals of all types.
A completely revised edition of this highly regarded book gives a systematic account of fruit and hop pests-their recognition, biology, and control.
Annotation. Comprehensive information on diseases of the most important tropical fruit cropsChapters are devoted to a single or, in some cases, a related group of host plantsThe history, distribution, importance, symptoms, aetiology, ...
Mineral Nutrition and Fertilizer Use for Deciduous Fruit Crops: Proceedings of the Third International Symposium on Mineral Nutrition of Deciduous...
This book compiles many fundamental issues of fruit production like layout and planting, many cultural practices, growth and bearing habits of fruit crops, planting and propagation method, disease and pest management as well as cost of ...
This book is the first to provide a systematic review of the latest techniques of plant biotechnology as applied to perennial fruit crops, a subject that has seen many recent...
In: George RAT, Fox RTV (eds) Diseases of temperate horticultural plants. CABI, Wallingford, pp 84–103 McCallum S, Graham J, Jorgensen A, Rowland LJ, Bassil NV et al (2016) Construction of a SNP and SSR linkage map in autotetraploid ...
Diseases of Fruit Crops and Their Integrated Management The book covers different topics of nationally economic importance of diseases of fruits and their management . There is a record of huge losses of fruits in terms of yield and ...