Human sexuality touches us all, pun intended. We all either enjoy it, struggle with it, or may have been victims of it. Sexuality is not just about sex, but about human sexual function, the physiology of sex, the hormones involved and how they affect us, and the cultural norms related to it. Sexual function and dysfunction are closely tied to one’s self-esteem, self-respect, and to relationships with intimate partners. Human Sexuality: Function, Dysfunction, Paraphilias, and Relationships, explores the interplay of intimacy and sexuality; how it can enhance relationships, and how it can negatively affect them, or be affected by them. When individuals or partners encounter sexual problems or dysfunctions it can have a long-lasting affect both biologically and psychologically. Dr. Rokach explores the causes and the reasons that these dysfunctions are maintained, and successful treatment methods. Chapters on sexual offenses and paraphilias and what treatment options are available to sexual offenders are also included. This book is the first book to place sexuality where it belongs, within the context of relationships demonstrating how sexuality relates to intimacy by both enhancing and negatively affecting it. Explains psychological, biological and sociological theories of sexuality Addresses sexual dysfunctions according to various models of sex therapy Discusses the biological, developmental and sociological theories of sexual orientation Explores the specific hormones in male and female sexual behavior
Everyone will learn something new from this book and come away impressed with a new appreciation of this vital domain of human social life.
The Sexual Behavior of African American Women Until the publication of more contemporary research on African American women by Wyatt,Peters,and Guthrie in 1988,the information obtained by Kinsey,Pomeroy,Martin,and Gebhard (1953) that ...
Involvement in sexual behaviors may not be motivated by sexual pleasure but rather may reflect peer norms , boredom , conflicts with adults , low self - esteem , and poor ability to control impulsivity ( Durban , DiClemente , & Seigel ...
Revised edition of the authors' Understanding human sexuality, [2017]
The new lead authors, Bill Yarber and Barbara Sayad, continue to bring their research experience to the book while maintaining the engaging writing style that original author Bryan Strong brought to this best-selling text for years.
(SES) 'If I feel that I'm expected to respond sexually, I have difficulty getting aroused.' 'When I have a distracting thought, I easily lose my erection.' (SIS1) 'If I realize there is a risk of catching a sexually transmitted disease, ...
This book helps students understand the diversity of human sexual expression and the many perspectives from which sexuality can be studied.
If you would like to purchase both the physical text and MyPsychLab search for 0134224906 / 9780134224909 Human Sexuality plus MyPsychLab - Access Card Package, 4/e Package consists of: * 0133971384 / 9780133971385 Human Sexuality, 4/e ...
In addition to providing a rich array of photographs, illustrations, tables, and a glossary of terms, this extraordinary textbook explores: pregnancy and childbirth as a bio-cultural experience life-course issues related to gender identity, ...
A central theme of this book is that, with respect to sexuality, there is a female human nature and a male human nature, and these natures are extraordinarily different, though the differences are to some extent masked by the compromises ...