Emerging Issues in Climate Smart Livestock Production: Biological Tools and Techniques furnishes a detailed reference on livestock sustainability and the role of biotechnology for creating more sustainable livestock production systems. The book is a collection of scientific techniques, including genetic engineering used to modify and improve animals, fishes, and microorganisms for human benefit. The book is particularly attractive for scientists, researchers, students, educators, and professionals in agriculture, veterinary, and biotechnology science. This book promotes several biotechnological approaches that can easily be evaluated in the field for quality assurance programs beneficial to producing livestock products and overall public health. Biotechnology has the potential to improve the productivity of animals via increased growth, carcass quality and reproduction, improved nutrition and feed utilization, improved food quality and safety, improved animal health and welfare, and reduced waste through more efficient utilization of resources. Identifies and explores biotechnological approaches for sustainable livestock and fish production Focuses on strategies for enhancing livestock and fishery productivity and sustainability Presents the latest research on modern methods and technologies
Based on this, the core focus of this book, as a part of a series of CERES publications, consists of identifiying and exploring the best ways to overcome such challenges and shocks and to build resilience in the Global South.
Agriculture, Ecosystems & Environment 82, no. 1 (2000): 371–383. Schmitz, Andrew. Agricultural policy, agribusiness, and rent-seeking behavior. University of Toronto Press, Toronto 2010. Schoengold, Karina, and David Zilberman.
This volume addresses in detail both livestock’s role in climate change and the impacts of climate change on livestock production and reproduction.
This book approaches the issues of livestock production and climate change through three sections: I. Livestock production, II. Climate change and, III. Enteric methane amelioration.
Additionally, the text suggests different agricultural practices to face the severity of frequency of the natural events.
This book, as a part of a series of CERES publications, provides a multi-regional and cross-sectoral analysis of food and water security, especially in the era of climate risks, biodiversity loss, pressure on scarce resources, especially ...
AgriExperience (2016) Reaching more farmers with high quality seed for drought tolerant crops, Vuna Research Report. ... Alwang J (eds) Crop improvement, adoption and impact of improved varieties in food crops in subSaharan Africa.
This book provides applications of wireless sensor networks (WSN) in environmental monitoring, with an emphasis on livestock disease detection and agricultural management in Africa to aid farmers.
World Livestock Production Systems: Current Status, Issues and Trends
This book pools the wealth of experience of dozens of researchers and development officers from a range of disciplines.