Understanding Present and Past Arctic Environments: An Integrated Approach from Climate Change Perspectives provides a fully comprehensive overview of the past, present and future outlook for this incredibly diverse and important region. Through a series of contributed chapters, the book explores changes to this environment that are attributed to the effects of climate change. The book explores the current effects climate change has had on Arctic environments and ecosystems, our current understanding of the effects climate change is having, the effects climate change is having on the atmospheric and ocean processes in this region. The Arctic region is predicted to experience the earliest and most pronounced global warming response to human-induced climatic change, thus a better understanding is vital. Presents a thorough understanding of the Arctic, it's past, present and future Provides an integrated assessment of the Arctic climate system, recognizing that a true understanding of its functions lies in appreciating the interactions and linkages among its various components Brings together many of the world's leading Arctic researchers to describe this diverse environment and its ecology
Chan, H.M., Fediuk, K., Hamilton, S., Rostas, L., Caughey, A., Kuhnlein, H., Egeland, G. and Loring, E., (2006). Food security in Nunavut, ... In M. Christensen, A. E. Nilsson, and N. Wormbs. eds. Media and the Politics of Arctic ...
Photographer Ragnar Axelsson presents another side of this vision in his photo book Last Days of the Arctic (Axelsson and Nuttall 2010). In the political visions for Arctic Iceland, environmental protection is not presented as a ...
This book covers topics on the recent developments of all kinds of scientific research in and around the Arctic region, with a view to monitoring the current variations in the extreme environment, affected by remarkable changes in ...
Wallace, a. r. (1880) Island Life: or, the Phenomena and Causes of Insular Faunas and Floras, Including a Revision and Attempted Solution of the Problem of Geological Climate. London : Macmillan. 526 pp. Wallace , a. r. (1900) Studies, ...
... health services developed in northern Norway serving Sami (known as SANKS). These improvements occurred in the ... populations are undergoing rapid social and environmental changes that are reflected in their evolving patterns of health ...
Proceedings of a symposium held at McMaster University, Nov. 14-15, 1991, dealing with climate, ice, snow, global change, pollution, permafrost, the treeline and plant communities.
Journal of the Fisheries Research Board of Canada , 34 , 976–988 . Stirling , I. , Calvert , W. & Andriashek , D. ( 1980 ) . Population ecology studies of the polar bear in the area of southeastern Baffin Island .
Overall, the richness of the material presented in this volume reflects the ecological and cultural diversity of this vast and environmentally critical part of the globe.
In 2007-2008, many nations around the world will host an intense, coordinated field campaign of polar observations, research, and analysis called the "International Polar Year.
The extraordinary life and contributions of Buzz Holling are remembered by S. Carpenter and G. Peterson (2019). His memoirs (Holling 2017) are a joy to read and available online. He is missed by so many. I wish to acknowledge Ilse ...