This classic book retains its outstanding ongoing features and continues to provide readers with excellent background material necessary for a successful understanding of mathematical statistics. Chapter topics cover classical statistical inference procedures in estimation and testing, and an in-depth treatment of sufficiency and testing theory—including uniformly most powerful tests and likelihood ratios. Many illustrative examples and exercises enhance the presentation of material throughout the book. For a more complete understanding of mathematical statistics.
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
An exceptionally clear and impeccably accurate presentation of statistical applications and more advanced theory. Included is a chapter on the distribution of functions of random variables as well as an...
A balanced presentation of both theoretical and applied material with numerous problem sets to illustrate important concepts. Demonstrates the use of computers and calculators to facilitate problem solving, as well...
An entire chapter covers regression models, including linear regression and analysis of variance. This book, designed for students, assumes a basic knowledge of probability theory, calculus, and linear algebra.
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This book provides students who have already taken three or more semesters of calculus with the background to apply statistical principles.
Presents a unified approach to parametric estimation, confidence intervals, hypothesis testing, and statistical modeling, which are uniquely based on the likelihood function This book addresses mathematical statistics for upper ...
Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
An Introduction to Mathematical Statistics
Noted for its integration of real-world data and case studies, this text offers sound coverage of the theoretical aspects of mathematical statistics.