The information and examples in this book are designed to orient dental hygiene students to clinical practice and its many applications in an office setting. Although dentists, dental practices, and dental hygiene can be generalized, each practice will be unique in its daily operations and policies.
As you read and participate in the exercises, keep in mind that experiences will be unique. In this new millennium, the art and science of dental hygiene continues to progress and evolve. More states have entered into independent or alternative practice settings for experienced dental hygienists.
Upon becoming a registered or licensed dental hygienist, you are encouraged to actively participate in furthering the development of patient education and dental hygiene research as well as your own education. Reach out to communities that are not able to access dental care in a traditional setting and continually stay abreast of the link between periodontal disease and total body health, as patients see the dental hygienist as the oral health care specialist. The knowledge and relationships that build from networking with other professionals will be invaluable.
We hope that you find personal and professional satisfaction in your dental hygiene career and as a member of the dental hygiene profession.
Thank you to the reviewers of this manuscript: W. Gail Barnes, RDH, Ph.D., Assistant Professor, East Tennessee State University; Chris French Beatty, RDH, Ph.D., Associate Professor, Department Chair Texas Woman's University; Barbara Paige, RDH, MS, Ed.D., Professor, Cabrillo College; Angelina E. Riccelli, RDH, MS, Associate Professor and Director, University of Pittsburgh; Donna J. Stach, RDH, M.Ed., Associate Professor, University of Colorado.
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Fundamentals of Dental Jurisprudence, Ethics and Practice Management
The production schedule can be double booked using a staggered schedule format . when two dental operatories are available for use . An example of double booking is shown in Box 12.3 ; notice how the dental assistant and dental ...
Am J Public Health 100(2):292–297, 2010. Adler MJ: Aristotle for everybody, Toronto, 1978, Bantam Books. ... In Gluck GM, Morganstein WM, editors: Jong's community dental health, ed 5, St Louis, 2002, Mosby, pp 425–445.
Ethics and Law in Dental Hygiene - E-Book Kristin Minihan-Anderson. the minimum, competent, safe level of care ... professional competence (e.g., documentation of continuing education). Some states, such as Arkansas, require that a dental ...
Baltimore: Lippincott Williams & Wilkins, 2001. 3. Geurink KV. Community Oral Health Practice for the Dental Hygienist, Philadelphia: W.B. Saunders, 2002. 4. Dignan MB, Carr PA. Program Planning for Health Education and Promotion.
The work is an all-encompassing reference providing a comprehensive and definitive review of the field.
Hygienists can detect sub- and supra-gingival calculus, remove the bacteria in pockets, and remove granulation, among other treatments. Soft-tissue Lasers in Dental Hygiene is the first book to explain laser use in periodontal therapy.
This book is an important read for all those interested in healthcare management, corporate governance and healthcare ethics, including academics, students and practitioners.