For courses in Secondary English Methods.
This text offers a comprehensive and up-to-date view of teaching secondary English based on sound research and classroom practice. The third edition reaffirms the value of a holistic, integrated approach to teaching English language arts. While separating the language arts into separate chapters, the strands are reconnected in every chapter. A separate chapter is devoted to grammar, giving this component focused attention. Materials and instructional strategies for students with increased diversity and needs are offered in greater detail. Problem-solving skills and reflective applications, integrated into chapters as simulations, are included to heighten the reflective skills of novice and experienced teachers.
Teaching English in Middle and Secondary Schools
This book prepares mainstream teachers to provide content instruction to English language learners.
This forward-looking book combines theory and practice to present a broad introduction to the opportunities and challenges of teaching English in secondary school classrooms.
This innovative book speaks directly to students preparing to teach writing and to practicing teachers who want to improve their ability to teach writing. Using practical explanations of...
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
NEW TO THIS EDITION: - A new chapter, Middle and Secondary Schools Today and Tomorrow: Reform Efforts, Challenges and Issues, and Trends and Practices, examines the changing nature of school reform, fundamental characteristics of exemplary ...
More broadly, and in independent research, Robin Alexander has been influential in describing the benefits of 'dialogic talk' (Alexander, ... Alexander, Robin J. (2008) Towards Dialogic Teaching: Rethinking Classroom Talk, 4th edn.
Anderson, A., Brown, G., Shillcock, R. and Yule, G. (1984) Teaching Talk: ... Andrews, R. (2001) Teaching and Learning English: A Guide to Recent Research and its Applications. London: Continuum. AQA (2002) Syllabus for GCE A/AS English ...
Continuing on from the previously published Primary School English-Language Education in Asia: From Policy to Practice (Moon & Spolsky, 2012), this book compiles the proceedings which took place at the 2011 annual conference of AsiaTEFL ...
The research background : a case for a cross - curricular Literacy Strategy Important studies and research projects , such as Kingman's Committee of Inquiry into the Teaching of English Language ( 1988 ) and Bullock's A Language for ...