Reflective Teaching: Professional Artistry Through Inquiry

Reflective Teaching: Professional Artistry Through Inquiry
Reflective Teaching
Education / Experimental Methods
Prentice Hall
James George Henderson


This successful book introduces current and future teachers to the concept of professional inquiry, integrating five forms of it into their work, to facilitate reflective democratic living that is rooted in the practice of a generative and generous intellect. Its makes complex material understandable, and inspires teachers to become forerunners in the movement that supports socially responsible professional inquiry. The five forms of professional study are: public moral inquiry, multi-perspective inquiry, deliberative inquiry, autobiographical inquiry, and critical inquiry. An accompanying effective inquiry model for each form encourages the emulation of professional development success. Vignettes and teacher stories help demonstrate how theory looks in practice. For professionals in the field of education—especially at the K-12 grade level.

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