For Introductory courses in Personal Finance. This new edition of Brown's best-selling text provides students with the basic principles, concepts, and vocabulary necessary to cope with the tricky world of personal finance. In six previous editions, instructors uniformly praised the accessible writing style and strong pedagogical features. The seventh edition has been further enhanced with the addition of new boxed material and updated lists of internet sites, the incorporation of current data and statistics, the addition of hot topics such as day trading and internet banking, and free electronic worksheets using Excel - downloadable from the Companion Website. In addition, the supplements that accompany the text have been improved.
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Improve your financial literacy and establish realistic goals Reduce your spending, set a budget, save for the future, and manage debt Minimize your tax bill and work out the differences among retirement and savings plans Invest in stocks ...
Personal Finance for Canadians for Dummies®
Getting control of your finances doesn't have to be complicated. Really! This book is loaded with practical, easy-to-follow advice to help you make smart, profitable financial decisions.
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Personal Finance for Canadians, 7