In this revised edition of "Herpetology," the authors provide the only treatment of amphibians and reptiles that integrates information about evolutionary relationships with ecology, behavior, and physiology and provide up-to-date references to the primary literature. KEY TOPICS" The book is broken down into four parts and explores these specific questions: what are amphibians and reptiles; how do they work; what do they do; and what are their prospects for survival. MARKET" This book is ideal for professionals such as zoo and aquarium curators, animal keepers, reptile and amphibian hobbyists, wildlife managers and conservationists who are looking for an integrated approach to the ecology, behavior, morphology, and physiology of amphibians and reptiles, presented in a phylogenetic and organismal context.
Crump , Martha L. In Search of the Golden Frog . Chicago : University of Chicago Press , 2000 . Duellman , William E. and ... Upper Saddle River , NJ : Pearson Prentice Hall , 2004 . Semlitsch , David , editor . Amphibian Conservation .
Looks at twelve Australian frogs and fish. Where they live, what they eat, how they look after their young, dangers. Col. photos. 8-12 yrs.
Flicking out its slender forked tongue , the rattler picked up scent particles from the ground and air , and inserted them into two pouches ( called Jacobsen's organ ) in the roof of the mouth . Within fifteen minutes the snake had ...
This illustrated guide is a collaborative effort between the Arizona Game and Fish Department and Arizona State University. The book includes all 82 species of amphibians and reptiles found in Maricopa County.
Qu'est-ce qui distinguent les grenouilles des crapauds?
Grzimek's Animal Life Encyclopedia: Protostomes
Cloning: Nuclear Transplantation in Amphibia : a Critique of Results Obtained with the Technique to which is Added a Discourse...
Endoscopy in Birds, Reptiles, Amphibians and Fish
Presents information about frogs, toads, newts, salamanders, and caecilians in a question-and-answer format.