Contains laboratory experiments to reinforce concepts which are critical for a sound understanding of electronic communications. New experiments have been added on Fiber Optic Cabling Splicing and Fiber Optic Cable Connectorization.
Now in its eighth edition,Modern Electronic Communicationthoroughly examines the key concepts in electronic communications. The book contains many examples of communication circuit troubleshooting and includes extensive use of Electronics Workbench...
Completely revised and updated to incorporate all of the latest information available concerning this intriguing and ever-changing field, this edition of "Modern Electronic Communication" sets every standard for comprehensiveness, quality...
Introductory topicsAmplitude modulation: transmissionAmplitude modulation: receptionSingle-sideband communicationFrequency modulation: transmissionFrequency modulation: receptionCommunications techniquesDigital communications: coding ...
Modern Electronic Communication
For courses in Electronic Communications and Communication Systems. Maintaining the tradition of previous editions, this edition includes up-to-date coverage of the latest in electronic communications and concepts.
Modern Electronic Communication (Supplemental Text).
Gary M. Miller, Mark E. Oliver. Cover art : Michael Agliolo , International Stock Editor : Judy Casillo Production Editor : Patricia S. Kelly Design Coordinator : Julia Zonneveld Van Hook Production Manager : Deidra M. Schwartz © 1996 ...
Modern Electronic Communication
This is the book, in which the subject matter is dealt from elementary to the advance level in a unique manner.
Modern Electronic Communication Itt Version