Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing Care, Fifth Edition Student Workbook The underlying philosophy of Contemporary Maternal-Newborn Nursing Care continue to focus on the belief that pregnancy and childbirth are normal life processes and that family members are co-participants in care. In the new Fifth Edition, the authors remain committed to providing a text that is accurate and readable, a text that helps students develop the skills and abilities they need now and in the future in an ever-changing health care environment. This Student Workbook contains: * A concise review of essential material found in the main text. * Exercises and strategies to aid in a focused review. * Multiple-choice NCLEX study review questions.
In the new Fifth Edition, the authors remain committed to providing a text that is accurate and readable, a text that helps students develop the skills and abilities they need now and in the future in an ever-changing health care ...
... RN, CPN; Rosalind Bryant, PhD, APRN-BC, PNP; Patricia M. Conlon, RN, MS, CNS, CNP; Martha Curry, MS, RN, CPNP; Amy E. Delaney, RN, MSN, CPNP-ACIP; Sharron L. Docherty, CPNP, PhD; Quinn Franklin, MS, CCLS; Debbie Fraser, MN, RNC-NIC; ...
Textbook for RN Semester 2 & RN Semester 3.
Highlights potentially life-threatening issues and the appropriate interventions with "Alerts" throughout the text. Provides a wealth of valuable tools and resources, including... "Why is this Important," rationales for important topics.
Core themes in this edition include family-centered and community-based care; health promotion (including Healthy People 2020); patient and family education; clinical reasoning; evidence-based practice, and developing cultural competence.
"This book provides a complete look at neonatal healthcare delivery.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
How the nurse, who speaks no Hindi, might effectively communicate with ha's primary language is Hindi, and she speaks very little English; Mahesh is flu- ent in Hindi and English. No health care providers present in the ED speak Hindi.
Simpson, K., &James, D. (2005). Efficacy of intrauterine resuscitation techniques in improving fetal oxygen status during labor. American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 105(6), 1362–1368. Tucker, S., Miller, S., & Miller, ...
Praise for the Fifth Edition: “This book provides a complete look at neonatal healthcare delivery...[It] includes discussions of contemporary topics of interest, such as informatics, genetics, global health, and family-centered care, ...