Anthropologists are very interested in studying the relatively few hunter - gatherer societies that are still available for observation . These groups may help us understand some aspects of human life in the past , when all people were ...
In this volume, Irma McClaurin has collected-for the first time-essays that explore the role and contributions of black feminist anthropologists.
Collier , Jane , and Michelle Z. Rosaldo . 1981. “ Politics and Gender in Simple Societies , " in S. Ortner and H. Whitehead , eds . , Sexual meanings : The cultural construction of gender and sexuality , 359-409 .
In Anthropology off the Shelf, leading anthropologists reflect on the craft of writing and the passions that fuel their desire to write books.
Standard text for teachers and students of political anthropology.
Forensic anthropology is a vastly popular and rapidly changing profession, yet to date there has been no volume that reflects the current state of the discipline and forecasts its future....
Business Anthropology
Best-selling author Ken Guest presents the essential readings and diverse voices that will help students understand their rapidly globalizing world.
"provides a most-needed analysis of the benefits and limitations of the new cultural anthropology." Bolles American Ethnologist, 1994 "groundbreaking" Levinson The Teachers College Record, 2008 DECOLONIZING ANTHROPOLOGY is part of...
The essays vividly demonstrate Gell's theoretical and empirical interests and his distinctive contribution to several key areas of current anthropological enquiry.
This volume contains the first translation of selections from student transcriptions of the lectures between 1772 and 1789, prior to the published version, Anthropology from a Pragmatic Point of View (1798), which Kant edited himself at the ...