Web Services: A Technical Introduction

Web Services: A Technical Introduction
Web Services
Computers / Internet / General
Prentice Hall
Harvey M. Deitel


For IT managers and the business professionals who rely on IT, few technologies offer as much promise as Web Services. Now, there's a complete Web Services briefing designed specifically for non-programmers. In this book, world-renowned technology trainers and consultants Harvey and Paul Deitel cover everything managers need to know about Web Services: business models, potential benefits, platforms, strategies, processes, and technologies.KEY TOPICS: The Deitels clearly explain what Web Services are, and how they've evolved to solve problems that can't easily be addressed with traditional distributed technologies. They explain why Web Services offer powerful opportunities for slashing overhead and simplifying process integration, while clearly identifying the weaknesses and risks associated with Web Services (including standards instability, and significant concerns about security, application management, and performance). They review major technologies for enabling Web Services, including XML, SOAP, WSDL, and UDDI; competitive strategies from Microsoft, Sun, Oracle, and IBM; as well as Linux-based approaches. Coverage also includes: comparisons of service-to-business (S2B), service-to-employee (S2E), and service-to-consumer (S2C) business models, including early examples such as .NET My Services and the Liberty Alliance; and the impact of Web Services on CRM, human resources, collaboration, and throughout the enterprise.MARKET: For all IT and line-of-business managers interested in Web Services.

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