This book requires no biology prerequisite and is the most comprehensive, authoritative, accurate, and up-to-date book on HIV/AIDS currently available as it is updated each and every year. It presents the entire 22-year chronology of the AIDS pandemic in a reasonable, logical, and scientific manner that interweaves biological, clinical, social, and legal discoveries in a uniquely readable presentation. The author considers what causes AIDS, biological characteristics of the AIDS virus, immunology of HIV disease, preventing the transmission of HIV, testing for human immunodeficiency virus, and AIDS and society.
This book introduces readers to important ethical issues that arise in the realm of genetic engineering. It provides the basic science and ethical analysis necessary to assess central issues...
Our knowledge continues to grow, and so does the Handbook. For the third edition, it has expanded into a set of six books carefully focused on a specialized area or field of study.
"In order to design, build, maintain and effectively deploy medical devices, one needs to understand not only their design and construction but also how they interact with the human body....
This industry standard on biomedical equipment is an important resource for providing a broad technological knowledge base, and deep coverage of critical points. It serves as a...
Image Processing Handbook examines the rapid, powerful developments in graphic information, covering the array of concepts and techniques in high-end imaging software. With balanced, complete descriptions, the text outlines frequency...
Medical Device Materials II: Proceedings from the Materials & Processes for Medical Devices Conference 2004, August 25-27, 2004, St. Paul...
Undertakes a fundamental inquiry into the human and moral significance of developments in biomedical and behavioral science and technology. Seeks to facilitate a greater understanding of bioethical issues.
Biotechnology instructors require currency, sound pedagogy and a brief objective introduction to a broad range of topics and technologies. Students need an accessible and clear presentation along with hot topics...
This book challenges the current wisdom of how cells work. It emphasizes the role of cell water and the gel-like nature of the cell, building on these features to explore...
本書共分9章,分別介紹了轉基因食品研究和發展的概況、轉基因食品生物技術、轉基因食品食用安全性評價、轉基因食品的營養學評價、轉基因食品的遺傳安全性評價、轉基因生物非期望效應的檢驗、轉基因食品的毒理學檢驗、轉基因食品的致敏性檢驗及轉基因微生物食品安全性檢驗,可為從事轉基因食品相關研究的技術人員、管理人員以及食品、生物、農業相關專業的老師和學生提供參考。 *本書為簡體字版