Still the only intermediate-level dictionary completely based on authentic spoken and written English, the Longman Dictionary of American English now offers even more outstanding features, including Thesaurus Boxes and a full-color picture ...
The Fifth Edition of Longman Dictionary of American English is the key to vocabulary building! Now with the full contents online, plus online Thesaurus and Vocabulary Checker.
Includes 95,000 words, phrases, and meanings, with 36,000 example sentences.
This new edition of the best-selling American English learners' dictionary helps intermediate students build their vocabulary, and now offers extra help and support for students who are studying other subjects in English.
"The Longman Study Dictionary of American English is an invaluable resource for low-intermediate learners. the dictionary accelerates vocabulary development by explaining academic and content-area vocabulary with clear and accessible ...
"Clear and compprehensive -- Helps you build your vocabulary -- Practice your pronunciation with the CD-ROM."--Back cover.
The Longman Dictionary of American English is the most complete updated dictionary for learners of English.
Longman Dictionary of American English: Your Complete Guide to American English
This dictionary is based on American corpuses of natural written and spoken English - the Longman Corpus Network.
Longman Dictionary of American English: A Dictionary for Learners of English