Business Communication Today

Business Communication Today
Business Communication Today
Courtland L. Bovée, John V. Thill, Barbara E. Schatzman


Learn to Write Business Messages Quickly and Easily with the Three-Step Process You will learn to write business messages quickly, easily, and effectively with the exclusive Bovee/Thill/Schatzman three-step process: planning, writing, and completing business messages. When you use a process, you move toward a particular result, and this text's three-step process helps you get better results than you would get with any other business communication textbook. Students and instructors alike will appreciate how this practical, three-step strategy provides a solid foundation for solving communication problems and creating well-crafted business messages. The three-step process is fully integrated throughout the book. It is introduced and explained in detail in chapters 4-6, just before the specific types of business messages are discussed. Then the three-step process is applied to short messages (letters, memos, and e-mail) in chapters 7-9, to reports and proposals in chapters 12-14, to speeches and oral presentations in chapters 15-16, and to employment messages in chapters 17-18. *Planning *Analyze Study your purpose, lay out your writing schedule, and then profile your audience. your audience. *Analyze Study your purpose, lay out your writing schedule, and then profile your audience. *Writing *Organize Define your main ideas, limit the scope, group your points, and choose the direct or indirect approach. *Compose Control your style through level of formality and conversational tone. Choose your words carefully so that you can create effective sentences and paragraphs. *Completing *Revise Evaluate content and review readability, editing, and rewriting for clarity and conciseness. *Produce Use effective design elements and suitable delivery methods. *Proofread Review for errors in layout, spelling, and mechanics. This text provides dozens of superb examples of the finished product, including documents from such well-known companies as Krispy Kreme Doughnuts, Ace Hardware, Target, Office Depot, Petsmart, and Carnival Cruise Lines, to name just a few. Many documents are accompanied by a graphic describing how the three-step process is applied, and all include annotations in the margins that discuss precisely how to apply the principles presented in the text. reasons that Business Communication Today is the most successful business communication textbook published in the past 50 years.

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