The fourth edition of this work continues to provide a thorough perspctive of the subject, communicated through a clear explanation of the concepts and techniques of electric circuits. This edition was developed with keen attention to the learning needs of students. It includes illustrations that have been redesigned for clarity, new problems and new worked examples. Margin notes in the text point out the option of integrating PSpice with the provided Introduction to PSpice; and an instructor's roadmap (for instructors only) serves to classify homework problems by approach. The author has also given greater attention to the importance of circuit memory in electrical engineering, and to the role of electronics in the electrical engineering curriculum.
( An excellent discussion of this subject is in Magnetic Circuits and Transformers , M. I. T. Electrical Engineering Staff , Wiley , New York , 1943. ) R + X 2 R + X 2 w w உண Xm & m Rm FIG . P - 10.19 10.20 For Example 10.6 , using ...
Instructors, contact your Pearson representative for more information. Reach every student by pairing this text with Mastering Engineering Mastering(tm) is the teaching and learning platform that empowers you to reach every student.
This "Pupil's Book" provides practical tasks and activities, with work throughout the topic and support for group activities. The topic covered is "seeing things".
This text provides an exceptionally clear introduction to DC/AC circuits supported by superior exercises, examples, and illustrations and an emphasis on troubleshooting and applications.
This tenth edition revision emphasizes 30% new questions found in-text and on end-of-chapter problem sets, review questions, and quizzes.
As this book has evolved to meet the changing learning styles of students, the underlying teaching approaches and philosophies remain unchanged.
This companion work provides an introduction to Multisim and supports its use in a beginning linear circuits course based on the textbook,Electric Circuits, Eighth Edition by James W. Nilssson and Susan A. Riedel.
Solutions Manual (Chapters 10-19)
Electric Circuits Solutions Manual
Solutions Manual Electric Circuits: Fourth Edition