This book provides a thorough basis for understanding the entire governmental accounting and reporting framework for all funds and account groups. All content is up-to-date, with the latest GASB standards, the latest FASB and AICPA guidance on accounting and reporting for not-for-profit organizations, and the latest changes in federal government accounting and reporting. This incredibly comprehensive yet readable book starts with an overview of governmental and nonprofit accounting basics, and is then divided into 3 sections: state and local government accounting and reporting; federal and not-for-profit organization accounting and reporting; and public sector auditing. The recent principle standard, GASB Statement 34, is discussed and applied throughout. For governmental accountants, nonprofit group accountants, and accountants in not-for-profit organizations.
... C. W. Post Long Island University M. Peter Dillaway Sharon L. Robinson New Mexico State University Frostburg State College Allan Drebin Earl R. Wilson Northwestern University University of Missouri - Columbia J. Patrick Forrest Alex ...
San Marino: Recent Economic Developments
The 11th Edition emphasizes that what you learn in the accounting classroom should correlate highly with what you must understand and apply on the CPA exam and as professional accountants.
This is a comprehensive textbook that is written through the eyes of the learner to prepare them for professional government and not-for-profit accounting practice and the CPA exam. *
This occasional paper describes the major reforms affecting the federal government of Argentina and the governmental accounting system in its migration to accrual accounting.
Orçamento participativo: leituras comparadas entre Brasil e Portugal
Shaping the Future for Primary Care Education & Training Project: Finding the Evidence for Education & Training to Deliver Integrated...
Financing Canadian Government: A Quantitative Overview
Strukturelle Auswirkungen des Steuersystems: Gutachten im Auftrag des Bundesministers für Wirtschaft
Public Finance in Theory and Practice