This introduction to operations management presents a state-of-the-art view of the primary activities of the operations function in organizations. New chapters on Operations Technology, the Internet, and ERP and E-Commerce and Operations! A free CD-ROM is packaged with every book and comprehensive web site support is provided. This paperback text has the same 17 core chapters as Heizer/Render's Operations Management, 6/e but does not have the 6 quantitative modules. Part of the JIT program.
Human Resources Management
You drive your car into the Hertz rental lot at the Pearson International Airport in Toronto . ... At the Delta Prince Edward in Charlottetown , pre - registered guests are eligible for Delta's guaranteed one - minute check in .
Original edition published under the title: Production and operations management.
This edition employs a strategic framework that identifies and illustrates facilities, inventory, transportation and information as the key factors of operations management–to help readers better understand concepts important to today’s ...
Les volumes brochés qui portent l'ISBN 0-13-439985-4 sont strictement identiques à ceux de l'édition reliée, sauf qu'ils portent la mention Prentice Hall International sur la couverture et sont soumis à des restrictions quant aux pays ...
Production and Operations Management
Operations Management: Flexible Version
Operations Management
MGT5001 Decision Support Tools Custom Book
Production and Operations Management