This text provides a systems-level understanding of the 80X86 microprocessor and its hardware and software. Equal emphasis is given to both assembly language software and microcomputer circuit design. *NEW-Totally new chapters on assembly language programming and memory devices, circuits, and subsystem design-Includes new or expanded coverage of: -program and data-storage memory circuitry-FLASH memory-wait-state circuitry for the memory/IO interface-core and special-purpose I/O interfaces-the 80486 and Pentium? processor families-the newest Pentium? processor family members-enhancements to the real-mode instruction set of the Pentium? processor-the Pentium? processors interface signals and bus cycles-dynamic bus sizing for the memory interface-additional 80486 family members. - Familiarizes students with the latest technology, better preparing them for the workforce. *NEW-Updated coverage-Features discussions that have been updated to reflect version 6.11 of the Microsoft Macro Assembler; newer high density memories and CMOS peripheral devices; and more. *NEW-Streamlined presentation- Reorganizes coverage of software architecture and assembly language programming to make the chapte
Providing a systems-level understanding of the 80x86 microcomputer and its hardware and software, this text gives equal emphasis to both assembly language software and microcomputer circuit design. There are four...
This fourth edition of "The Intel Microprocessors 8086/8088, 80186, 80286, 80386, 80486, Pentium, and Pentium Pro Processor: Architecture, Programming, and Interfacing" is a practical book for anyone interested in all programming and ...