Case Studies in Clinical Laboratory Science

Case Studies in Clinical Laboratory Science
Medical / Clinical Medicine
Prentice Hall
Linda Graves


This unique collection of 55 multidisciplinary case studies is designed to help laboratory technologists and technicians "experience" how departments work together to help the physician make a diagnosis and determine the best course of treatment for the patient. In working through the comprehensive, real-world scenarios, readers deal firsthand with interpreting data from two, three or four disciplines (Blood Bank, Chemistry, Hematology, Immunology, Microbiology, Urinalysis), integrating the facts (laboratory data) from different departments and thinking critically about what they mean. Includes 55 cases--11 Blood Bank cases; 12 Chemistry cases; 10 Hematology/Coagulation cases; 5 Immunology/Serology cases; 10 Microbiology cases; 7 Urinalysis cases. Technicians and technologists who have been out of the field for awhile and are in the process of reentry into the profession and technicians and technologists who are looking for a general review of clinical laboratory science.

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