Looks at personal finance for middle aged persons covering such topics as choosing a financial advisor, investments, college costs, real estate, and estate planning.
Stewart H. Welch III , CFP , AEP Stewart H. Welch is founder of The Welch Group , LLC , which specializes in providing fee - only wealth management services . Mr. Welch has been recognized by Money , Worth , Mutual Funds Magazine ...
Provides information on credit histories, budgeting, borrowing, banking, investing, and avoiding common financial mistakes.
The Complete Idiot's Guide to Investing Like a Pro for Canadians
Help is here. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Personal Finance in Your 40s and 50s is the guide you need to everything from helping your kids get on their feet to buying a second home.
Though it sounds like a mess for two accountants, you can clean it up with this one book. The Complete Idiot's Guide to Personal Finance with Quicken is the easy way to learn money management while using this software manager.
In an easy to use format this book offers expert advice on financial planning for the future, tips for getting the best deal on your bank accounts, and solid investment strategies.
This book provides a basic, easy-to-understand introduction to both personal finance and working online.
But remember that no software package covers the whole range of issues in your financial life. Later in this chapter, ... The dizzying pace of technological change continues as many smartphones function as mini-computers in your hand.
Robert K. Heady also acknowledges his research assistant , Linda J. Anderson ; John Lee , former finance editor of The New York Times , who discovered Bank Rate Monitor's value and put its interest rates on the map for millions of ...