For medical lab technology, medical assisting, respiratory therapy, radiological technology, and nursing courses.
This text is the most accurate and current source of blood and specimen collection information for today's health care students and professionals. Designed to provide health care professionals with the clinical, technical, and communication skills and knowledge, it features sections devoted to safety; equipment and collection; special procedures and point of care testing; and quality and legal issues.
The fourth edition of this comprehensive text/reference has been thoroughly revised and reorganized to provide phlebotomists, as well as other health care professionals, with the most up-to-date information, techniques, skills,...
Phlebotomy Handbook
Pearson Etext Phlebotomy Handbook -- Access Card
"The Video Skills Library For Phlebotomy Handbook is a four hour DVD and serves as the most complete skills collection of its kind.
Phlebotomy Handbook Access Code: Blood Specimen Collection from Basic to Advanced
Make certain a clamp or hemostat is clamped onto the tubing between the needle and the taped tubing at the wrist before the needle is uncapped . This prevents air and possible contaminants from entering the blood bag after the needle is ...
Phlebotomy Handbook 7e + Outline Review For Phlebotomy
This edition fully reflects the latest guidelines from the Clinical and Laboratory Standards Institute (CLSI) and the National Accrediting Agency for Clinical Laboratory Sciences (NAACLS), with references to international standards as ...
Phlebotomy Handbook Tabbing Guide
Rubaltille, FF, Gourley, GR, Loskamp, N, Modi, N, Roth-Kleiner, M, Sender, A, and Vert, P: Transcutaneous bilirubin measurement: A multicenter evaluation of a new device. Pediatrics 107:1264–1271, 2001. Strasinger, SK, and Di Lorenzo, ...