The case study "President Interlocking and Firm Performance in Latin America: An Empirical (Quantitative) Study" provides students with a practical research guideline to pursue their own exploration of business and management topics.
Guide to the role and responsibilities of non-executive company directors. Includes information on company law and administration, the duties of the director, and evaluating board performance. The authors are, respectively,...
104-369 ( 11-28-95 ) . Thus , the Eleventh Circuit stated that forward - looking statements are not actionable simply because the company did not disclose all adverse conditions that could possibly affect its performance . Harris v .
20 questions que les administrateurs devraient poser sur la rémunération du conseil
Der Geschäftsbereich des Arbeitsdirektors
The Casson Beckman Guide to Directors' Duties and Responsibilities: Your Questions Answered
本书内容包括董事会的作用及面临的制约因素, 董事会领导, 首席执行官的薪酬, 评价和更换首席执行官等.
Directors' Loans, Other Transactions and Remuneration
'Say on Pay' Vote Variations • Recently, Edward Durkin, a veteran activist investor, and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters Pension Fund introduced the idea of a tnennial vote on executive pay ("TEP") rather than an annual vote.
Company Directors: What You Need to Know to be a Director in 1989 : Papers Delivered at a Workshop Held...