This book is the first comprehensive survey of the African-American experience. It draws on recent research to present black history in a clear and direct manner, within a broad social, cultural, and political framework. Life in sixteenth-century Africa, slavery, the antislavery movement, The Civil War, emancipation, and reconstruction. For anyone who is interested in an in-depth exploration of African-American history as it relates to U.S. history.
"Combined volume" includes both volumes 1 and 2.
African American Odyssey: A Concise History
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
This book is the first comprehensive survey of the African-American experience. It draws on recent research to present black history in a clear and direct manner, within a broad social,...
The African American Odyssey
... and partly because some Northern and Western politicians wished to continue disenfranchisement of non-native Irish and Chinese. The first African American to vote after the adoption of this amendment was Thomas Mundy Peterson, ...
This clearly written, comprehensive textbook explores the African-American experience in the United States from its African origins to the present.
This Book a la Carte Edition is an unbound, three-hole punched, loose-leaf version of the textbook and provides students the opportunity to personalized their book by incorporating their own notes and taking the portion of the book they ...
In his interview with Bill Moyers , August Wilson said that the most valuable blacks were the ones in prison . They possess the warrior spirit that , in days of old , took men into danger in search of food for their families .
Engage Students- Features such as "Voices from the Odyssey" engage students in the material. Note: This is just the standalone book.