Taking an historical, cross-cultural, and global approach, this book focuses on the link between social structure and the everyday lives of people's diverse experiences of marriages, families, and intimate relationships. It shows how contemporary families go well beyond the traditional, heterosexual, two-parent, white, middle class family and heterosexual legally-sanctioned marriage; challenges the assumption that one culture's way of doing things is the “natural” or “right” way; shows how marriage and family life have changed historically over time and from place to place; and how political and economic globalization impacts families worldwide. Features extensive boxed material accompanied by questions for personal reflection. Marriages and Families Over Time. Ways of Studying and Explaining Marriages and Families. Understanding Gender: Its Influence In Intimate Relationships. The Many Faces of Love. Dating, Coupling, and Mate Selection. Sexuality and Intimate Relationships. Nonmarital Lifestyles. The Marriage Experience. Reproduction and Parenting. Evolving Work and Family Structures. Violence and Abuse. The Process of Uncoupling: Divorce in the United States. Remarriage and Remarried Families. Families in Later Life. Marriages and Families in the Twenty-first Century: U.S. and World Trends. For anyone interested in marriage and family dynamics, including individuals, counselors, nurses, social workers, home economists,
Pearson offers its titles on the devices students love through Pearson's MyLab products, CourseSmart, Amazon, and more. 0205957226 / 9780205957224 Marriages and Familes Plus NEW MySocLab with Pearson eText -- Access Card Package Package ...
This student-friendly text delivers the core concepts of Marriages and Families in a way they can easily understand.
... 36,63, 72, 226, 240, 257, 274, 275,291, 372, 403 McHugh, Maureen C., 59,400 McIntosh, Peggy, 61 McIntyre, Matthew H., 64b, 71 McKay, Alexander, 105 McKenry, Patrick C., 159,401, 406 McKinley, Jesse, 166b McLanahan, Sara S., 43, 143, ...
Using a bioecological framework, the book reveals how families are shaped by multiple influences, from biological to cultural, that interact with one another.
This book provides timely, practical, and high-interest information about marriages, families, and intimate relationships, in an engaging format that is easy to use and learn from.
The use of secular research to compliment sacred truths about family life is a unique feature of this volume, with contributions from more than 50 strong family scholars who also cherish their faith.
To enhance teaching and student learning, a new AWARE (Awareness of Attitudes and Relationships Expectations) Online (2008) computerized assessment has been designed specifically for the sixth edition and contains 15 categories that match ...
This text combines the most current research with an emphasis on family background and diversity. Each chapter concludes with a section on public policy and critical-thinking questions.
This is the eBook of the printed book and may not include any media, website access codes, or print supplements that may come packaged with the bound book.
This series is committed to enhancing both the theoretical base and the clinical expertise of pastoral caregivers by providing a pastoral theological paradigm that will inform both assessment and intervention with persons in these specific ...