This book combines a qualitative, conceptual understanding of hydrologic processes, an introduction to the quantitative representation of those processes and an understanding of approaches to hydrological measurements and the uncertainties involved in those measurements. Numerous worked examples and exercises are included throughout to help assimilate concepts, consider implications of relations developed in the book, and apply concepts to local conditions. This book provides an introduction to hydrological science and its concepts including Climate, the Hydrologic Cycle, Soils and Vegetation, Precipitation, Snow and Snowmelt, Water in Soils: Infiltration and Redistribution, Evapotranspiration, Ground Water in the Hydrological Cycle, Stream Response to Water-Input Events, Hydrology and Water-Resource Management. Suitable as a reference work for professionals already working in the field. It can also serve as a comprehensive, readily understood introduction to hydrology for professionals in related fields.
50. Parry , G. D. R. and Bell , R. M. , Covering systems , in Contaminated Land : Reclamation and Treatment , Smith , M. A. , Ed . , Plenum Press , London , 1985 , 113 . 51. Cairney , T. C. , Soil cover reclamations , in Reclaiming ...
This book takes you step by step through the typical process of a design project--from the initial writing of a proposal for engineering services to the final preparation of the "as built" report upon completion of the project.
... 43 , 321 , 492 McCulloh , T. H. , 61 , 65 , 367 , 368 , 502 McKirdy , D. M. , 270 , 271 , 354 , 362 , 371 , ܕ • Mackowsky , M.-Th. , 3 , 148 , 153 , 165 , 170 , Riedel , D. , 162 , 504 Riegel , W. 405 , 409-412 , 505-507 McTavish ...
本书共九章。主要内容包括基本理论与国内外研究概况、全球气候变化与广东省气候特征、人类活动与经济社会发展趋势、表生地质环境条件与地质灾害、灾害矿物学的方法与实践、 ...
Three leading coastal geologists provide a guidebook to North Carolina beach characteristics created specifically to enhance trips to the beach for tourists and residents. Original.
Lubbock Lake , if William Curry Holden is correct , was an attractive site . Once the mud and dirt and sand had settled , the lake was clear and WYOMING SOUTH DAKOTA NEBRASKA Cheyenne North Platte Ogallala Aquifer Colorado.
McDonald , M.G. , and Harbaugh , A.W. , 1988 , A modular threedimensional finite - difference ground - water flow model : U.S. Geological Survey Techniques of Water - Resources Investigations , book 6 , chap . A1 , 586 p .
In the case of Fenton ' the resulting toxicity could be higher or lower depending on the extend of oxidation . With CIO2 , the toxicity was always found to be greater after oxidation . Literature Cited 1. Lanouette , K.H. , " Treatment ...
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