For undergraduate/graduate-level Data Mining or Data Warehousing courses in Information Systems or Operations Management Departments electives.
Taking a multidisciplinary user/manager approach, this text looks at data warehousing technologies necessary to support the business processes of the twenty-first century. Using a balanced professional and conversational approach, it explores the basic concepts of data mining, warehousing, and visualization with an emphasis on both technical and managerial issues and the implication of these modern emerging technologies on those issues. Data mining and visualization exercises using an included fully-enabled, but time-limited version of Megaputer's PolyAnalyst and TextAnalyst data mining and visualization software give students hands-on experience with real-world applications.
此外,我还要提及比尔·勒迈尔、大卫·斯蒂尔、鲍勃·奥格旺、科林·塞尔、安娜·马格诺、马丁·威格尔、马克·诺尔,等等。他们从各个角度帮我把这本书打造得尽善尽美。最后一点也很重要,那就是——我希望向曾经聘请我帮忙写 出好故事的团队致以诚挚的谢意。
G. E. P. Box , W. G. Hunter , and J. S. Hunter , Statistics for Experimenters , Wiley , New York , 1978 . 25. S. Bisgaard and H. T. Fuller , “ Sample Size Estimates for Two - Level Factorial Experiments with Binary Responses , ” Center ...
This edition of this best-selling book--revised, updated, and reorganized with important new material--offers you an easy-to-follow approach to using the often difficult Taguchi methodology for engineering quality control.
Computers in Insurance
彼得.杜拉克: 「最危險的,不是提出錯誤的答案,而是提出錯誤的問題; 最需要的,不是提出正確的答案,而是提出正確的問題。」 領導者 ╳ 經理人 ╳ 職場工作者 ╳ ...
Productivity Measurement in Organizations: Private Firms and Public Agencies
想在數據當道的商業世界成功提案 ──你得讓數字開口「說故事」── ★矽谷最有說服力的女人 : 南西.杜爾特★ 專為職場人士打造的必勝簡報密技 ...
This follow up to the bestselling and amazingly easy to comprehend economic books, the Freakonomics series, again helps readers approach life in a more out of the box and creative way. In Korean. Annotation copyright Tsai Fong Books, Inc.
นำเสนอวิธีการและเครื่องมือที่มีประโยชน์อย่างยิ่งที่ทุกองค์กรสามารถนำไปใช้ในการกำ ...
“คุณรู้หรือไม่ เหตุใดผู้นำเก่งๆ จึงตัดสินใจเชิงธุรกิจผิดพลาด?” ...