This text offers an approach to the study of leisure and recreation in the USA, including historical and philosophical backgrounds relevant to the subject. Current research and statistics are combined with qualitative and case-study material to explore the meanings and orientations of leisure.
Since Tom Roberts , Arthur Streeton and Charles Condor established the Heidelberg school in the late nineteenth century and took a very Australian approach to the painting of landscapes , our artists have struggled for mainstream ...
Part II of the publication includes: "Select Biographical Information: Jay Bryan Nash" (Harvey M. Jessup). Part III offers quotes on Nash's philosophy, advice, and witticisms. (JD)
Connecting in Philadelphia II
___, Matthew Watson, Jack Ingram, and Martin Hand, 2007. The Design of Everyday Life. London: Berg Publishers. Simmel, Georg, 1910–1911. How Is Society Possible? American Journal of Sociology 16. Singer, Jerome L., 1976.
Leisure in Britain, 1780-1939
Resources to help teachers deliver the Edexcel Leisure Studies AS level award.
内容包括:自由时光, 一周复一周, 有深意的一天, 星期日的公园, 圣星期一, 周未的世界等九章.
本书对旅游与休闲、消遣娱乐之间的关系作了专门的探索和研究,尤其通过对海滨度假区的发展、国际旅游、城市和乡村环境三者之间错综复杂的变化乃至政策制定等问题的深入分析 ...