The Only Grammar Book You'll Ever Need is the ideal resource for everyone who wants to produce writing that is clear, concise, and grammatically excellent.
This new edition also includes separate chapters on critical thinking and referencing, exploring each topic in more detail, and learning outcomes in every chapter, so you can identify what new skills you’ll take away.
Grammar for Writing: Understanding the Mechanics of Grammar and How Language Works
Introduce relative pronouns, pronoun reference problems, indicative/imperative mood. Dictionary skills, library skills, study skills, and the writing process are part of the year's work.
Become a better writer by understanding grammar, usage, and punctuation with the explanations, examples, and exercises in Grammar for Writers.
The Blue Book of Grammar and Punctuation is all it takes to master English usage! With hundreds of thousands of copies sold, this is one of the most trusted English language resources in existence.
The text's unique writing process can also be used for cover letters and resumes.
The book includes a brief history of the English language, as well as comprehensive information on every thing from singular vs. plural, to composing a legal memorandum.
"This is the simply told story of two siblings--one who wants to play, and the other who most certainly does not.
The English 2: Writing and Grammar (3rd ed.) Student Text is a colorful, inviting, grade appropriate worktext for the second grader.