This innovative book from acclaimed educator Paula Bruice is organized in a way that discourages rote memorization. The author's writing has been praised for anticipating readers' questions, and appeals to their need to learn visually and by solving problems. Emphasizing that learners should reason their way to solutions rather than memorize facts, Bruice encourages them to think about what they have learned previously and apply that knowledge in a new setting. KEY TOPICS The book balances coverage of traditional topics with bioorganic chemistry, highlights mechanistic similarities, and ties synthesis and reactivity togetherteaching the reactivity of a functional group and the synthesis of compounds obtained as a result of that reactivity. For the study of organic chemistry.
Royal Australian Chemical Institute New South Wales Organic Chemistry Group 29th Annual One-Day Symposium, School of Chemistry, The University of...
"This book, a companion to Bruice's Organic chemistry, allows you to introduce modern molecular modeling into your organic chemistry course. The heart of the book is a CD-ROM containing over 200 models."--Preface.
This Study Guide & Solution Manual contains learning objectives, chapter summaries and outlines, as well as examples, self tests and concept questions, as well as complete, step-by-step solutions to selected problems.
Test Item File [for] Organic Chemistry [by] Paula Yurkanis Bruice
Extensively revised, the updated Study Guide and Solutions Manual contain many more practice problems.
This Study Guide and Solutions Manual contains complete and detailed explanations of the solutions to the problems in the text.
This Study Guide and Solutions Manual contains complete and detailed explanations of the solutions to the problems in the text.
Organic Chemistry: Study Guide & Solutions Manual
Organic Chemistry: CHEM 2750 & CHEM 2760
Organic Chemistry