This book focuses around the social and ethic issues that companies face everyday in doing business. It is a collection of 37 articles from experts in the social issues of computing, exploring the most pressing issues in information technology today. The chapters are fresh, informative, timely, and authoritative.The readings cover such themes as views of computing, the information society, computers and organizations, computer-based monitoring, security and reliability, and privacy, ethics, and the internet.A book from a leading author in the IT field, this collection of articles is an excellent resource for computer-based business owners, managers, and employees. Its excellent section on the Internet makes this a must-read for owners/managers of Internet-based businesses.
Nancy Miller's Impact ! ' is one software package using an Excel template that can do some very sophisticated tracking with amazing reports being generated for presentation to faculty , administration , and school boards .
See The Limits to Growth by Donella H. Meadows , Dennis L. Meadows , Jorgen Randers , and William W. Behrens III ( 1972 ) . 3. Peter M. Senge , The Fifth Discipline : The Art and Practice of the Learning Organization ( Doubleday ...
Transitions at DARPA Robert Taylor signed on at DARPA in 1964 as deputy director of IPTO . then succeeded Ivan Sutherland as director in 1965. Like Licklider and Sutherland before him , his interest in interactive computer systems ...
是故,制衡的設計乃建構於「徹底個人主義」( thoroughgoing individualism )的思維上,將個別權勢者相互競爭視為政府運作的基礎( Sartori , 1976 : 14 )。因此,在此一設計實施八年後,首任總統華盛頓便在下野時,諄諄告誡美國人不可成立政黨,因為「政黨精神將 ...
... sector polarization (in NPM) 99–100 public-private partnerships (PPPs) 100–2 purchaser-provider separation 98–9 quality-shading 221 quasi markets 99–100 quasi-governmental agencies 228 quasi-voluntary compliance 241 Quinn, ...
Information technology has substantially affected modern life in industrialized societies. To be responsible users of information technology, students should have a basic understanding of its history, an awareness of current...
We Are Iran is a seamlessly edited multi-voiced portrait of contemporary Iran, translated from Farsi, using that nation's weblogs as its primary source. Iran has more web diarists than most...
Media marketing expert Jim Mann foresees the end of top heavy, centralized bureaucracies in favor of global communities based upon the virtues of the family - such as, amiable decision-making,...
Provides readers with the tools and resources to help them become effective users of technology. It covers material on how to set up a personal computer, install and use a...
This collection of 24 essays explores what happens when proponents of writing across the curriculum (WAC) use the latest computer-mediated tools and techniques--including e-mail, asynchronous learning networks, MOOs, and the...