This introduction to statistics presents balanced coverage of both the theory and application of statistics and at the same time helps students to develop and enhance their critical thinking skills.
First Course in Statistics
The Book of R is a comprehensive, beginner-friendly guide to R, the world’s most popular programming language for statistical analysis.
This book provides a clear exposition of the theory of probability along with applications in statistics.
The main difference between this text and many others is that an attempt is made here to present material in a rather relaxed and informal way without omitting important concepts.
This updated classic text will aid readers in understanding much of the current literature on order statistics: a flourishing field of study that is essential for any practising statistician and a vital part of the training for students in ...
Durbin, I., & Watson, G. S. (1971). Testing for serial correlation in least squares regression, III. Biometrika, 58, 1—19. Elashoff, I. D. (1969). Analysis of covariance: A delicate instrument. American Educational Research Iournal, 6, ...
This book offers a modern and accessible introduction to Statistical Inference, the science of inferring key information from data.
Intended for the one semester general statistics course, this text emphasizes statistical thinking. It introduces topics of data collection including observations, experiments, and surveys.
Statistics: A Fresh Approach
This book provides a compact self-contained introduction to the theory and application of Bayesian statistical methods.