Preparing students to make developmentally appropriate guidance decisions in the classroom Based on her belief that adults need to have realistic expectations of children, Marian Marion's "Guidance of Young Children" emphasizes understanding young children's development, using a developmentally appropriate approach to guidance, and thinking critically in making wise guidance decisions. Her conversational and direct writing style with concise definitions is a favorite of students and instructors alike. Content is grounded in research and experience. With a case-study approach, case study analyses, rich examples on every page, and scenarios throughout the book and ancillaries, the entire Marion package provides students with a wealth of opportunities to observe how guidance is applied to situations involving infants through 8-year-olds and to apply theories and strategies themselves. Her conversational and direct writing style with concise definitions is a favorite of students and instructors alike, and the content is grounded in research and experience. Among other things, after reading this text, students will understand:
生活中,许多人虽然渴望拥有一段美好的亲密关系,但似乎总是难以遇上对的人;还有许多人,虽然身处关系之中,但是交流的过程总是争吵不断、矛盾重重……人们之所以难以经营 ...
本书从青春期女孩的生理变化、青春期女孩的情感需要、青春期女孩的逆反心理、母女间的沟通、富养青春期女孩、对青春期女孩的批评教育以及引导青春期女孩自立自强等七个方面 ...
本书为父亲全面解析了青春期男孩成长过程中的生理变化和心理转变:青春期男孩害怕什么,期盼什么,他们心中的父亲是什么样子的?父亲如何应对男孩突如其来的变化,怎样改善 ...
Cambridge , MA : Perseus Publishing , 2001 . Hart , Betty , and Todd R. Risley . Meaningful Differences in the Everyday Experiences of Young American Children . Baltimore , MD : Brookes Publishing , July 1995 . Hawley , Theresa .
王宇. 7.9 让孩子学会管理自己的零用钱作为父母的你有没有留意过如何给孩子零花钱这样的小事呢?有些人也许觉得此事微乎其微;也有些人说钱与孩子没有很大的关系;但有专家认为零花钱却是给孩子的一种真正的生活体验,如果把握得不好,就会对他们未来的趋向 ...
本书内容的基础是作者在发展与教育心理学领域的从业经历与自身育儿经验的结合.先从理论上为各位年轻父母讲解了亲子关系的内核----依恋 ...
(美)埃里克.戴维斯. 筝,飘忽不定。我失去了生活的目标,迷惑彷徨。在我父亲生病的那年夏天,我和我的小伙伴们一起到加利福尼亚州圣克莱门特市的圣奥诺弗雷州立海滩去冲浪。我们坐着一辆破旧的雪佛兰厢式货车,车上装满了冲浪板,把音响开得大大的,低音炮一响, ...
本书不仅以洛克菲勒写给孩子的信为视角, 更通过展现洛克菲勒的生活情景的方式, 提出了67个忠告.