Teaching Writing: Balancing Process and Product

Teaching Writing: Balancing Process and Product
Teaching Writing
Education / Teaching / General
Pearson/Merrill Prentice Hall
Gail E. Tompkins


Knowing that you must balance your focus in the classroom on the process that children use as they write and the quality of their compositions, "Teaching Writing" continues to provide a comprehensive look at both process and product. This new edition provides you with practical strategies for teaching and assessing writing, with a focus on individual student needs and teacher accountability. Additional features will help you recognize the concerns of struggling writers, the needs of English learners, and the strategies you can use to improve student test taking. Addressing Process and Product

  • "Vignettes" beginning each chapter present you with an intimate look at real classroom teachers and their teaching of writing.
  • "Minilessons" model five basic steps for teaching essential strategies and skills to young writers.
  • "Step by Step" features offer detailed guidance for planning instruction and assessment, organizing learning, and managing classroom writing projects.
  • The free CD-ROM "Writing Workshop" gives you specific insight into classroom teaching in a workshop model, illustrating both the writing process and product.
Meeting Individual Student Needs
  • "How to Address Struggling Writers' Problems" This step by step analysis explains what issues cause writers to struggle, provides clear examples of the problem, and clarifies the steps to take to help writers overcome their obstacles.
  • "Scaffolding English Learners" features pinpoint ways to support student writers whose first language is not English.
Planning for Accountability
  • "Preparing for Writing Tests" This new feature will help you prepare students for high-stakes testing by clearly defining each type of writing, providing prompts to generate a writing sample, and outlining possible pitfalls writers may face when writing in this specific genre.
  • "Rubrics "throughout chapters help you address and clarify assessment issues.
  • "Instructional Previews" identify goals that help you plan for teaching by addressing the question of what to teach and when.

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