For courses in Learning Strategies, First-Year Seminar, and Study Skills. Using a broad-based approach to college success that is grounded in current theory and research in cognitive and motivational psychology, this text shows students how skill AND will are both necessary for success in learning in college and throughout life. Strategy-based rather than learning-style based, it takes students from where they are currently on the skill-will continuum (high skill, low will; low skill, high will; low skill, low will; or high skill, high will), helps them develop a variety of learning strategies, tells them when to use them, and explains how to generate the energy, desire, and self-confidence to make those strategies work for them. Multiple assessments throughout help students evaluate their progress, and hands-on activities allow them to try out new strategies. Increased coverage of Life Skills is new to this edition.
學習心理學: 學習理論導論
曾获日本读卖国际漫画大赛“近藤日出造大奖”。我也有过自己的童年,那是一段充满幻想、天真烂漫的美好时光。但是这个世界变化太快,如今青少年已经很难再“为赋新词强说愁” ,他们过早成熟,过早地体验到烦恼,过早地放弃了单纯,被长辈们殷切的期望簇拥着向前急 ...
"This book promotes self-determined learning and lays out a path that leads to a new direction and returns the student to the educational picture"--
Kinesthetic skills are important for using hand tools, driving a car and using ones body to achieve goals. Musical/Rhythmic. Music involves the recognition of tonal patterns and sensitivity to rhythm. Some might question the inclusion ...
This thoroughly updated edition reviews the core methods and the latest research on animal learning and human memory in a balanced fashion.
Human Competence at Work: An Interpretative Approach
Infinity Walk training develops an intimate working relationship between the neural organ we call the brain and the person's desires and intentions.
This book explains how teachers can use guided instruction (gradually transferring knowledge and the responsibility for learning to students through scaffolds for learning) to boost students to higher levels of understanding and ...
Help Yourself is a handy reference for students who want to take advantage of their learning strengths, as well as for teachers and tutors who want to better understand learning styles and their practical applications.
Movies of the Mind: Changing Student Mind-Sets