Based on extensive experience in the field, this book will introduce readers to the principles and practices of Health Information Management through understanding of Health Information Technology and its application today. Topics covered in the book are based on the core competencies defined by AHIMA as well as HIPAA regulations and JACHO recommendations. To prepare for twenty-first century healthcare occupations, the reader needs to understand the connectivity and applications that make up Health Information Systems of today. The book will provide readers with a thorough understanding of both the terminology of Health Information Technology and the practical use of Information Systems in actual medical facilities. Ample illustrations make it easy to visualize workflow scenarios and technical concepts. Photographs of healthcare providers using various HIT systems and medical devices make it easy to see the practical applicability in a medical office.
[4] Adlassning KP, Kolarz G, Scheithauer W, et al. CADIAG: Approaches to computer-assisted medical diagnosis. ... In Hunter J, Cookson J, Wyatt J (eds.). Proceedings AIME '89. Lecture Notes in Medical Informatics, n 38.
Health Informatics for the Curious
Health Informatics: Practical Guide for Healthcare and Information Technology Professionals
The Role of Information Technologies Government Printing Office Staff, United States. Congress. Office of Technology Assessment. STANDARDS Two useful web resources dedicated to the various technical standards discussed throughout this ...
The 6th edition reflects rapid changes in healthcare IT and informatics, and builds upon the expertise of contributors involved in day-to-day informatics practice, education, and research.
This book presents the first broad look at the rapidly emerging field of data-intensive science, with the goal of influencing the worldwide scientific and computing research communities and inspiring the...
Current Perspectives in Health Informatics
A Critic's Guide to Software for IBM-PC and PC-compatible Computers
Toni Lee Hebda, Duquesne University School of Nursing, Allegheny General Hospital Patricia Czar, St. Francis Medical Center Cynthia M. Mascara, Shared Medical Systems Corp. (SMS) The perfect resource for...
"Clear and comprehensive, it explores the applications of healthcare IT across health professions, including medical administration, telemedicine, public health, radiology, surgery, pharmacy, dentistry, and rehabilitation.