For courses in Introduction to Policing or General Policing or as a supplemental text for Community Policing or Police Administration. Taking a new direction and emphasis, this edition of Policing America offers a problem-solving approach and emphasizes what is actually working in the field. Based on the author's over thirty five years of experience, the book offers complete coverage of traditional policing topics, a concise view of the reorganized federal law enforcement system, and coverage of topics such as homeland security, community policing, investigations, accountability, patrol and technologies. This edition features two new problem-solving chapters, an new problem-solving appendix and over thirty case-study exhibits that reinforce what works to attack such problems as terrorism, gangs, and crimes involving drugs, hate, and youth.
The decision in Duncan v Jones has been much criticized . ' In substance , it is said , the decision permits the police to disperse meetings being held in public places in a case where no allegation of obstruction to the highway nor ...
Wife: Oh, Harry. You were going 80. (The man gives his wife a dirty look.) Cop: I'm also going to give you a ticket for your broken taillight. Man: Broken taillight? I didn't know about a broken taillight! 1st Officer: “Guess who I ...
From the world's most treacherous waters to its most fabulous kitchens, this is a thrilling tale of the Australian Customs Service pursuit of high seas poachers.
Law Enforcement for the Twenty-first Century
Linkage blindness also creates a need in the field for important new technologies and strategies, which are also covered in this book.
When the suspects were fleeing , the two white males entered a A. Blue station wagon with unknown license plates . B. White station wagon with license plates beginning with AKG C. Blue Chevrolet with license plate beginning with the ...
The LAPD, under Chief Daryl Gates, responded, like New York, by deploying its forces in special units, such as CRASH (Community Resources Against Street Hoodlums). CRASH officers cruised South Central looking for gang members and ...
Strategic Intelligence for Law Enforcement
Polizei- und Ordnungsrecht: mit Versammlungsrecht