Presents a guide to achieving success in college by developing effective study methods.
This text is geared to students who are academically underprepared for college-level studies, especially first-generation and at-risk students.
KEY BENEFIT: Emphasizing critical reading skills, this practical guide addresses the most important reading and study skills users will need to excel in college studies. Formats...
Students and Faculty alike are encouraged to visit the central website for all Keys franchise materials,, where you can correspond with the author team, view their speaking calendar, benefit from current articles, and ...
Consider this your parenting lifeline: an easy-to-use manual that offers support and perspective. Grown and Flown is required reading for anyone looking to raise an adult with whom you have an enduring, profound connection.
Keys to College Success Compact sets the standard for connecting academic success to success beyond school, showing students how to apply strategies within college, career, and life.
Appropriate for Study Skills, College Prep courses, Student Success, and any Freshman Seminar courses with an emphasis on study skills. Keys to Study Success focuses on study skills while placing...
If you’re currently a college student, or plan on being one, you need to check out this book.
Keys to Effective Learning nurtures these skills in students entering college by focusing on building accountability, teamwork, and critical/creative thinking skills that can be applied to any academic or workplace setting.
Programed College Vocabulary/Keys to Study Skills: Opening Doors to Learning
It has also taught me different methods for studying and I have found these tips very helpful. I highly recommend this book. — Isabel, High School Student Something's just need a refresher. This book provides all that and more!