This comprehensive, practical book is built on solid theory and evidence-based practices from both the fields of Special Education and Early Childhood Education. When the first edition was conceived in 1980, the authors encountered students who either had a strong special education background or a strong early childhood (child development) background. Each group had a lot to learn from the other and a lot to contribute to the other. The original purpose was to bring together the best from both fields into Early Childhood Special Education. The book continues to take a practical, “activity based†approach that is theoretically sound and current. It also provides ample detail related to specific intervention strategies that enhance the effective use of embedded learning opportunities within daily curriculum activities and routines. Its relatively jargon free, “readable†approach, that is built on evidence-based practices, make it appropriate for a wide range of readers. The illustrations of techniques and strategies throughout make it sustainable as a resource.. It has always encouraged a family-centered, inclusive approach to working with young children with special needs and their families.
Filipek , P.A. , Accardo , P.J. , Ashwal , S. , Baranek , G.T. , Cook , E.H. , Jr. , Dawson , G. , Gordon , B. , Gravel , J.S. , Johnson , C.P. , Kallen , R.J. , Levy , S.E. , Minshew , N.J. , Ozonoff , S. , Prizant , B.M. , Rapin , I.
Dennis ( 1960 ) , while observing deprived conditions in Teheran orphanages , found twelve - month - old babies who could not sit by themselves ( although maturational theories assured this behavior by eight months at the latest ) .
... < your name > in the body of the message Down Syndrome Quarterly ( online journal ) Down Syndrome Society of Southern Australia European Down Syndrome resources 235.
Rueda , R. , Monzo , L. , Shapiro , J. , Gomez , J. , & Blacher , J. ( 2005 ) . Cultural models of transition : Latina mothers of young adults with developmental disabilities . Exceptional Children , 71 , 401-414 .
Klippel - Trenaunay - Weber Syndrome ( KTW )先天性靜脈畸形骨肥大綜合症表徵 knowledge structure 知識結構 Knox Cube Test 諾克斯方塊模仿測驗 KR20 (統計學)庫李 20 號公式 KR21 (統計學)庫李 21 號公式 Krabbe's disease 克拉培氏病一種在胚胎發育 ...
... still allowed [ the student ] to benefit educationally , and still allowed [ the student's ] parents to participate fully and effectively " ( Myles S. v . Montgomery County Board of Education , 1993 , p . 1561 ) .
《关键反应训练:促进自闭症谱系障碍儿童社会沟通、交往与学业发展的技术》是一部阐述自闭症儿童教育干预技术——关键反应训练(PRT)技术的研究性译著,从关键反应训练概述 ...
「跟阿德勒學正向教養」經典叢書系列, 為「特殊需求兒童」推出第一本振奮人心的教養指南! 協助父母、師長制定長遠的教養方式,溫和且堅定回應特殊兒的需求, ...
HOUSE , E. , T. KERINS , AND J. STEELE . 1969. Illinois Gifted Program Evaluation . Urbana : Center for Instructional Research and Curriculum Evaluation , University of Illinois . JENKINS , M. 1948. “ Case Studies of Negro Children of ...
360 Example Program E Individual mentorships or internships set up with community resource persons All day Two ... also assigned . students Frequency 150 minutes per week One hour per One class period of Contact for shared instrucday or ...