Offers a step-by-step approach to using ITUs to help pupils acquire the knowledge and develop the problem-solving skills required for today's changing-and challenging-times. Addresses the content, technology, diversity, and classroom management of ITUs. Material on curriculum standards, scoring guides, and the relationship between the interdisciplinary thematic unit approach and professional education tests. Extensive coverage of the role of pupil input into ITUs. Also includes current web addresses of professional organizations and sites that address curriculum standards. For future educators.
This guide is intended for any educator interested in offering, assessing, and evaluating an integrated curriculum through an interdisciplinary thematic unit.
Practical and thorough, this engaging resource guide truly practices what it preaches: hands-on, activities-rich, research-based, performance-driven teaching.
Computers in the classroom: How teachers and students are using technology to transform learning. San Francisco: Apple Press/Jossey-Bass. Healy, J. M. (1999). The mad dash to compute. In K. Ryan & J. M. Cooper (Eds.), Kaleidoscope (pp.
Crisis in the classroom: The remaking of American education. ... The teacher's craft: The 10 essential skills of effective teaching. ... Using common core standards to enhance classroom instruction and assessment. Alexandria, VA: ASCD.
... 325–326 Morgan, B., 299 Morgan, T., 88 Morrison, G. R., 142 Morrison, R. G., 149 Morton, T., 264 Motivation, 14–15, 190–191 Moutray, C. L., 224 Mueller, A., 264 Mulryan, C. M., 264 Multicultural classrooms, 39b Multiculturalism.
Rankin, Virginia. "The Thought that Counts: Six Skills that Help Kids Turn Notes into Knowledge," School Library Journal (August 1999): 27-29. Rankin uses graphic organizers and extension questions to assist students when they are using ...
A 2004 study by Sadker and Sadker showed elementary and middle school boys received eight times more classroom attention than girls! When boys called out, teachers listened. But when girls called out, the female students were told to ...
The first eight grades of the twelve-grade Hanna model are shown in Table 2.2. Alongside it, the dominant pattern of curriculum organization currently used in textbook and school curricula is shown. Table 2.2 Expanding Environments ...
Reflecting recent policy and standards initiatives, emerging research agendas, and key innovations, this volume provides a contemporary overview of important developments and issues that have that have in recent years shaped elementary ...
In this unit , we used some of the objectives from the North Carolina Standard Course of Study as applicable for each subject ... Integrating the curriculum in Language Arts ( reading , writing , grammar and vocabulary ) , Mathematics .